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Interested in becoming a leader in grassroots basketball? Host your own Jr. NBA/Jr. WNBA Youth Basketball Program in your community! Jr. NBA/Jr. WNBA Youth Basketball works with municipalities, community organizations, youth sports groups, and grassroots basketball leaders to deliver quality youth basketball programming in communities across Canada. The program has been well thought out to cover all the facets of running a basketball program, from simple onboarding, ordering of materials, to a robust and comprehensive curriculum for your coaches, Jr. NBA/Jr. WNBA Youth Basketball makes it easy to start up your own program without sacrificing quality.

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Fundamentals, Learning, Activity, Success, Respect


Age 5-12 | Co-ed | 12 Weeks | 45-75 Min. Sessions

A national youth basketball program designed to develop fundamental skills, sportsmanship and a love of the game of basketball.

Empowering basketball communities, clubs, and facilities

Positively impact youth through the sport of basketball

Holistic approach to athlete development based off of the Sport Canada LTAD Model



Provide opportunities for youth ages 5-12 across Canada to play basketball.


NCCP FUNdamentals Coach Workshop and full basketball curriculum with supporting resources.


Develop young athletes in alignment with the Sport Canada LTAD Model and stage-appropriate drills and games.


Entry to the Canada Basketball development pathway, encouraging athletes to pursue high performance opportunity.

Character Building

Help athletes maximize their potential, using basketball as a vehicle to develop character and life skills.